Our Team
Hi, I'm Teresa Owen
If you’ve ever fantasized about living on a small farm, collecting eggs in the morning, milking your adorable little dairy goats and making goat-milk soap in a flower-decorated white cottage, riding horses through wine country, and then quaffing wine in the garden as the sun sets...well, you are, indeed, living in a fantasy.
We have a flock of insanely adorable dairy goats, which I do milk and I do use that milk for soap-making (in a cramped corner of my clutter-congested basement). And I collect eggs in the morning from our chickens (who usually peck me) and I ride horses through wine country and I periodically quaff [cheap gas station] wine in the [overrun] garden as the sun sets. Usually there is a lot of swearing, something inevitably breaks, and I’m sporting several smears of unidentified fecal matter before 9 am. And no, I don’t even manage to look cute while doing any of it!
It's not exactly the Pinterest perfect version of farm life, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Lucy is where it all started. I got her as a baby and she was the loudest, most rambunctious baby goat. She loved to play and provoke her buddy Ethel, hence the names. She loves head scratches, long walks to the milking stanchion, and male goats. It’s embarrassing sometimes. Born in 2019, mama to Zay and Zoey.

Luna is a beautiful all-white girl and a heck of a great model. She never complains about catering or her working conditions. Born on the solstice of 2020, she was a natural in front of the camera. Turns out she’s a great mama and milker. She had her first baby in 2021. He went to a fun home in Prosser and his name is Glen.

Astrid is Luna’s sister, and slightly less keen on modeling though she can really rock a set of pearls. Astrid had her first babies this year—twin boys. One of the boys went with Glen to Prosser where he enjoys the good life.

Lucy’s first baby, born on the solstice in 2020. Zoey looks like a shorter version of her half-sister Astrid, equally as stunning in a set of pearls. Zoey had her first babies in 2021—a bashful boy and a very striking calico girl named Callie.

Zay is Lucy’s first baby, the twin of Zoey. Zay is the baby goat in most of our first cards and photos. He knows how to work the camera and has no bad sides. He’s now kept as a pet and so that we can train him to pack. Or at least, we say we’re going to, and we’ve been saying that for a year now…